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Referrals & Practice Support

It can be a challenge to find additional support or specialist expertise as a sole practitioner and we are here to help.

One of the great features of joining the Clearlake network is the ability to refer work to other Clearlake lawyers and to receive referrals of work from them.

You may find it useful to bring in another Clearlake lawyer to cover client queries or problems whilst you are away on vacation, taking time off for health reasons or if you look after children during school holidays.

From time to time, you may have more client work than you can handle or you may lack the expertise for a specific type of work.

As part of our network, you can bring in other Clearlake lawyers easily and seamlessly and be assured that they are of the calibre and have the dedication that your clients expect.

Consultant Success Directors
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Clearlake Consultant Success Directors

Legal Success Directors

Let’s talk through the options…

Request a brief discovery call with one of our Legal Success Directors to explore the various options in the Clearlake support packages.