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Sole Practitioners

In our experience, sole practitioners want to focus their time on advising their clients and growing their business, but as the administrative and infrastructure burden become increasingly complicated, so sole practitioners have less and less time to focus on their goals.

That’s why at Clearlake we’ve created a unique and collaborative law firm to empower and support independent lawyers to grow their own businesses.

The emergence of legal technologies, and the requirement to educate oneself on how to leverage today’s technologies, is a further challenge.

At Clearlake, our lawyers maintain full control over their practice, whilst we provide world-class infrastructure and handle their entire back office behind the scenes.

By joining Clearlake, our lawyers become part of our collaborative community of outstanding lawyers, sharing ideas and referring work to one another.

Our lawyers can focus on their clients and growing their business, whilst we take care of everything else.

If you are interested to learn what a switch to full equity partner in the next generation law firm might look like, why not get in touch with us today to learn more.

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Legal Success Directors

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